Receive feedback from every customer interaction What role does customer experience play in customer care and loyalty? In services, it is extremely important to ensure that the user receives what they want and how they want it throughout their interaction period. The customer experience is, of course, the service itself and how it is consumed (in our case, the trip in the car, and the app), but you also have to take into account registration, billing, problems during the trip, etc. The customer experience is everything that surrounds the service. Tips to deliver the best CX How do you encourage interactions with your customers at Wible? We try to receive feedback from every customer action. We want to know if the experience meets customer’s needs. Mechanisms such as rating or surveys are the best options. Sometimes, we do ad hoc campaigns to obtain information on a specific topic. Incorporate the experiences that work to our service Keep an entrepreneurial mindset Learn and evolve in an agile way Make mistakes quickly and cheaply